Types of Relationships


A relationship is a close romantic friendship between two people. It can be platonic, or it can include intimate activities such as sex. A healthy relationship helps each person grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It can be the source of great joy, but it can also cause pain and suffering.

A healthy relationship is based on trust, open communication and respect. Trust is the feeling that your significant other will always have your best interest at heart. Respect is the ability to listen and understand your partner without judging them. It’s important to maintain your own interests in the relationship, but it is equally important to allow each other to have time and space for your own hobbies.

Relationships are a large part of our lives. There are many types of relationships, and it’s important to be aware of the differences between them. Some of the more common ones are:

Marriage – A legally recognized union between two people that provides federal, state and some local protections. This type of relationship is monogamous and requires a high level of commitment from both parties.

Civil Partnership

A legally recognized partnership between two people that provides some state-level protections and benefits. This type of relationship is not as binding as a marriage, and it allows for greater flexibility in the areas of property, health insurance and social security.

Friendship – A close, long-term, non-sexual relationship that has mutually beneficial emotional and practical support. This type of relationship may include shared activities, such as a regular movie date or dinner together. Friendship can help us cope with stress, as well as offer companionship and intimacy when we feel lonely or down.

Triad – A relationship involving three people that is more stable than a dyad. It usually reduces intense interaction and is based less on personal attachments, but it still includes sharing of resources.

Family – A group of related individuals who live together and share a sense of loyalty and obligation. Family relationships can be arranged in many different ways and are often influenced by culture, religion and tradition. A family can consist of blood relatives, adopted children, stepchildren or foster children. A positive relationship with a family is vital for your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Other Relationships

A relationship can be a wonderful part of your life, but it’s important to take things slowly and not push too hard. Otherwise, you might end up getting stuck in a rut that doesn’t serve your needs. For example, if you try to force your significant other to change or commit at the pace that you do, they may end up resenting you. It’s important to let your relationship develop at its own natural pace and to recognize that the right person will come along at the right time. This will ensure that you’re able to enjoy all the benefits that come with a healthy and fulfilling relationship.