Law is a set of rules that are created and enforced by social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. The precise definition of law is a matter of dispute, but it usually includes regulations, statutes, and precedent.
The word law is derived from the Latin legales, meaning “lawful.” It means something that is enforced or legally recognized by a sovereign authority. It also implies the obligation of obedience to that authority.
Generally, laws are made by legislatures or courts in states. In some jurisdictions, such as France or the United States, a court can declare an existing law invalid if it does not agree with the state’s constitution.
A law can also be created by a private person or corporation. These are called contract laws.
These include contracts involving business transactions, employment, and other matters that involve money or property.
There are three types of laws: civil law, criminal law and regulatory or economic law.
Civil law deals with rights that are owed to individuals by other people, such as the right to free speech and the freedom to choose the government in which they live.
Criminal law is the branch of law that deals with crimes and punishment.
Regulation or economic law deals with the creation and enforcement of rules to make things better in society.
In most countries, a law is enacted by a legislative body or court and then enforced by the government. It is often based on principles outlined in a constitution, written or tacit, and the rights encoded therein.
The law serves as a mediator of relations between people and is influential in politics, economics, history and society.
Historically, most laws have been designed to protect the rights of citizens and were crafted by a legislature that reflected social needs and interests.
A central feature of the law is the principle of due process, which requires that a person have an opportunity to present their case before a judge.
Other legal standards affecting the creation of laws include the concept of compelling interest, which requires that a statute be based on legitimate public policy rather than simply being designed to benefit a group or individual.
These standards are more stringent for economic legislation, which seeks to promote the welfare of a community or group of people.
Another important factor is the role of precedent in determining whether laws should be upheld or rejected by courts.
The doctrine of stare decisis or “standing by decisions” ensures that courts follow the rulings of previous courts when making their own judgments, and helps to ensure consistency in subsequent cases.
In some jurisdictions, such as the United States and Canada, the term “law” refers to the written or tacit rules that govern society, while in other jurisdictions it is a reference to the law as it is enforced by the government.